The Post City Council had an exciting tour of the Southland Well Field, Wastewater Plant, Garza Landfill and Prison Lift Station this past Friday, April 22. The Post-Dispatch also joined the council tours. It is very important for the council to get to have firsthand experience with the sites when making important decisions concerning upgrades and large expenditures for the facilities.
The council will be considering bids concerning SCADA communication systems in May. The SCADA system will allow city water operators to watch water tank levels and turn on wells at the Southland Well field. There are 4 wells that can be switched on and off by using a lap top rather than being on site.
Rhett Parker, City Manager will be representing the South Plains Region concerning setting the statewide scoring criteria for the Community Development Block Grants, CDGB. He was appointed at the April SPAG board meeting and will attend the meeting in Corpus Christi in May.
The City Manager and Assistant City Secretary Susan Collazo and PEDC Director Terry Bartlett attended a Regional South Plains economic development workshop at SPAG. This workshop was geared to look at regional challenges and strengths to develop a regional economic development plan. Susan Collazo, Zayra Pizana, and Eddie Pitts attended a Texas Downtown Association-Lubbock Downtown Economic summit later that week to learn better strategies concerning development and retail strategies for downtown Post. With the threat of closure of the prison, the city is looking at economic development opportunities to offset revenue losses from the prison. The prison closing will greatly affect the water and wastewater city revenue and the sales tax. Roughly, the city makes $600,000 in water revenue annually and approximately $20,000 per month in sales tax from the commissary. The city has begun preparations for redeveloping the city budget to offset the loss in revenue.
Pam Atkinson was hired to become the new operations manager at the landfill. Her duties will include managing the landfill daily operations, implementing state guidelines and procedures, and working at the weight station. Mrs. Atkinson, Ronnie Mathis, and Jose Quintero will be working together to achieve their state certifications and licenses; meanwhile, the city is operating under the City of Tahoka A. license. Landfill charges are for all City of Post and Garza County residents. The rate is a $15 flat rate up to 750 lbs. or $40 per ton over 750 lbs. The revenue pays for the operations of the landfill and cost of the new $1,000,000 facility that will be built in June 2022.
Chase Odom is the new animal control and code administrator. Eddie Pitts is now the public works director. The city is being aggressive concerning code violations. The City of Post seeks compliance over fines and fees. With the drought, Post is seeing more wildlife moving into the city seeking food and water. It has not been uncommon this year to see bobcats, turkey, deer, and coyotes within the city limits. Rattlesnakes are also prevalent, where recently a 4’ snake was found at the Post cemetery.
The swimming pool and splash pad are currently under construction and will be open for summer operations. The pool will open as scheduled; the splash pad may open later due to construction delays. The splash pad will be free to the public and will stay open later in the season. The swimming pool will have a gate fee and party rental fee. Reshea Tidwell will be the pool manager and book parties. Contact Tidwell concerning lifeguard inquiries and summer parties.
The Library Summer Reading Program will begin the first week of June. This year’s theme is “Oceans,” please contact Pam Humble for enrollment and more information.
The May Regular City Council meeting will be postponed from its regular meeting time to May 17th due to the city administration attending conferences and trainings.
Finally, I had the opportunity to bring Tabitha Rendon, recruiting manager with CASA of the South Plains to the Post Rotary Club as guest speaker. She was a former foster child that lived with my wife and I at Childrens Home of Lubbock. Today she is a child advocate for Court Appointed Special Advocates, CASA. She has an incredible resilience and a story to tell about her life as a foster child. Today she uses her experiences to advocate for foster care children. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for CASA or would like more information concerning their program, contact Tabitha Rendon at 806-763-2273.
Rhett Parker
City Manager